The workshop of Iran and the Security of Arabian Gulf
Barq for Policies and Consultations Center, on 8th of July 2019, held an event in Istanbul discussed the Iranian behavior in the region and its consequences on the region’s stability and security. The event was held with the participation of the former ambassador of Iraq Dr. “Ghazi Fysal”, and in the presence of an intellectual elite and representatives of many research centers, besides academic figures and journalists.
The session presided by Barq’s consultant Dr. Mazen Shykhani. After a welcoming statement, the ambassador reviewed in his research paper that contained a series of themes, the first theme of which dealt with the grounding principals of the structure of Iranian regime that based on several interlinked institutions with its influence that spans over all continents by the religious authority that follows the guardianship of the Islamic jurist.
In the second theme of the session, he refuted the structure of the Iranian Army and the doctrine relationships that organize the workflow of the Iranian forces inside and outside Iran. Such doctrine applies the higher interest and strategic aspiration of Iran’s Supreme Leader that
adopts the guardianship over Shia communities around the world. In this context, the ambassador introduced an academic paper explains the mechanisms of the foreign policies action of the Iranian regime and the existing relationships with the countries. The ambassador suggests that the Iranian policies could be understood through keeping the track and examining the psychological side, by which the current controversy about Iranian behavior in the region, could be simplified.
In the third theme, the ambassador, separately added the concept of security of Arabian Gulf, in addition to; the way that the Iranian regime deals with the security of Arabian Gulf, especially with current events that it has more than one side about rising the level of risks. The ambassador believes that Iran is unable to protect the security of Arabian Gulf, because it does not only involved with the security of energy, but it is also involved with the security of the world as a whole.
During his speaking, the participants actively engaged in the dialogue through asking the questions that remarkably contributed in enriching the subject of the session, at the end of the session the ambassador honored by thanking shield, which presented by the general manager of Barq “Bashir Kefah”.